Pine Lake Tennis Rules & Procedures

Club Hours:

Monday - Friday:     5am - 10:30pm  
Saturday - Sunday:   6:30am - 10:30pm 

Court Times: First court time begins at 5:30am, Monday-Friday and 6:45am, Saturday-Sunday. Courts are 75 minutes in duration, except for the 2:15-3:15pm and 3:15-4:15pm courts. The clock on the North facing wall of the court is the official time clock. All court start/end times will follow that current time. Please be considerate of court times to other members.

Tennis Guest Policy: The same guest may visit twice per month, if accompanied by the Tennis Member. Guest fee is $20/visit. Guests must check-in at the front desk and complete a liability waiver upon arrival.

Dress Code: Members must wear proper tennis shoes, with non-marking soles. Flip-flops, running shoes with marking soles and barefoot play are prohibited while on the tennis courts.

Court Conduct: Clean and proper tennis etiquette and sportsmanship are always required. Racquet throwing, ball smashing, swearing and facility abuse will not be tolerated. All disputes should be handled at the net rather than shouting from baseline to baseline. Players should not cross or walk behind the courts while play is in progress. Players may not use any part of the indoor walls as backboards due to the noise and possible damage to the court fixtures. No food or beverages aside from water are allowed in the court areas. Please silence cell phones while on the court.

Junior Tennis Members: Jr. Tennis members are restricted from booking the 9:15am, 10:30am and 11:45am court times. In addition, they are not allowed to book the 5:30pm and 6:45pm court time. This restriction applies to weekday courts only.

Court Bookings: Each person on the membership is entitled to one (1) advanced reservation and one (1) 24-hour reservation. A reservation made 24-hours or less in advance of the court time is considered a 24-hour court. Reservations made over 24-hours in advance and up to 7 days in advance are considered an advance reservation. The person whose name is on the court reservation must be actively playing.

Rolling Timeslots: Instead of having everyone book at 6:00am each day, Pine Lake opens up courts as the timeslot starts.

For example: on Saturday at 10:30am, members would be able to now book an Advanced reservation for 10:30am the following Saturday, or a 24 hour reservation for Sunday. By moving reservation times in line with actual playing times, more members will have an opportunity to book courts without having to wake up at 6:00am.

Cannot book until finished playing: If you reserve a Saturday, 10:30am court, you will not be able to reserve next Saturday until 11:45am, once the court time has ended. This rule prevents members from booking the same court every week, and allows other members an equal chance at reserving the court.

Back-to-back reservations: Family tennis members may not book back-to-back court reservations.

Weekend Courts: Family tennis members are allowed one court time per day, on Saturday and Sunday. Walk-on court times are excluded from this rule.

Waitlist: Waitlist reservations open up 24 hours in advance. The purpose of this is to ensure that no court goes unused due to last minute cancellations. You can put your name on multiple court times per day, however if you get a court, your name will be removed from all other waitlists that day.

Lottery System: Prime time courts are the 5:30pm and 6:45pm court times during weekdays. Members who reserve these court times will be entered into a lottery, and a name will be randomly drawn via the tennis court reservation system.

Court Violations:

  • Late Cancellation: Reservations canceled within 4-hours or less of the court time will be subject to a $20 late cancellation fee.
  • Late Arrival: After 15-minutes, a court will be released for walk-in play. Additionally, you will be subject to a $20 no-show fee. If a member calls the Front Desk to announce their intentions of utilizing the court, the court may be held for longer than 15 minutes.
  • No-Show Fee: If you do not show-up for a court reservation, you will be subject to a $20 no-show fee. In addition, the court will be released for walk-in play after 15 minutes, following the late arrival policy.

If a member received 3 or more violations in 1 month, they will lose court booking privileges for the rest of the month. For family memberships, this rule applies for the entire family membership, not the individual family member.

Notifications: In the ACE tennis court booking system, tennis members are encouraged to add their mobile phone number, and opt-in to SMS notifications to receive updates on cancellations, waitlist openings, etc

For questions regarding any tennis rules and procedures, please contact:
Dusko Andreic, Tennis Director
(425) 313-0123